2024 Match Schedule

MATCH: NRA Approved Smallbore Conventional 50 and 100 Yards 1200 agg

14 Dec (any sight).

Belton Smallbore Prone 2025.pdf

2025 Match Schedule

Registration begins at 8:15.  First shots down range scheduled for 9:00AM

Match Fees: $15

100 yard rifle range. 22RF only. 

MATCH: NRA Approved Smallbore Conventional 50 and 100 Yards 1200 agg

8 Feb (any sight)

12 Apr (any sight)

10 May (irons)

14 Jun (any sight)

9 Aug (irons)

08 Nov (irons)

13 Dec (any sight).

NRA Approved Smallbore Metric match, 50 and 100 yards 1200 agg

8 Mar (iron)

11 Oct (any sight)


Conventional shooters will use the type of sight listed next to above dates.

F-Class competitors are welcome. F-class scores will be reported to the NRA. F-Class competitors will use the metric targets every match as required by the NRA rules

Course of Fire

This is a 120 rounds match; 60 rounds at 50 yards and 60 rounds at 100 yards, plus unlimited sighters each stage during the 20-minute live-fire time period.

50 yards targets contain 4 bulls for record and 2 sighter bulls.

100 yards targets contain 2 bulls for record and 1 sighter bull.

*50m on 50m target and 100 yard metric target in the March and October metric matches

Competitors will change targets after each 20 shots for record

Match 1: 2 targets, 20 shots for record each, 5 shots per bull plus unlimited sighters each in a time limit of 20 minutes per target – 50 yards. *50m in metric match

Match 2: 1 target, 20 shots for record, 5 shots per bull plus unlimited sighters in a time limit of 20 minutes -50yards. *50m in metric matches. 

1 target, 20 shots for record, 10 shots per bull plus unlimited sighters in a time limit of 20 minutes – 100 yards.

Match 3: 2 targets, 20 shots for record each, 10 shots per bull plus unlimited sighters in a time limit of 20 minutes per target – 100 yards.Belton Smallbore Prone 2025.pdf

Belton Gun Club, Inc. - 153 Range Road, Belton, SC 29627

For information call (864) 318-4383 or email

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